These look to be of sudeuropan race - archaic type, very pure.
Chasse-marée - specific, archaic type of decked commercial sailing vessel.
First Command heavily promotes the sale of contractual plans, an archaic type of mutual fund that vanished from the civilian market two decades ago.
It was an archaic type of decoration that some old-fashioned architect had included with his plans.
Considered part of the kanna family, the yarigana is an archaic type of Japanese plane resembling a spear.
It features an archaic type of Lombard bands, with isolated arches characterized by pilasters that connect them to the ground.
In archaic type, it said: I. Do not choose the topics for scientific investigation simply because they are fashionable.
The Nativity church (1675) represents an archaic monumental type of monastery cathedral.
In English, a chasse-marée is a specific, archaic type of decked commercial sailing vessel.
Is she an archaic type?