He favored an archaic ritual of blood initiation which involved a symbolic commingling of blood.
Without a second thought, he accepted the deal in archaic ritual.
Puls (pottage) was considered the aboriginal food of the Romans, and played a role in some archaic religious rituals that continued to be observed during the Empire.
That was a more formal gala filled with all the pomp and revelry traditional to the most archaic rituals.
The mystery cults offered a niche for the preservation of archaic religious ritual, and there is reason to assume that they were very conservative.
To modern humans this archaic ritual fought with archaic weapons must seem strange, especially in a spacefaring race.
The women might be maidens involved in some archaic ritual in ancient Greece.
It was no longer an archaic ritual that impeded his speedy progress off the deck, but an exchange of responsibility as significant as any in the Navy.
The goal of the action then, following the analogy with archaic rituals that assured fertility of land and home animals, is birth assistance for the new political system.
Few of the men who mattered in Rome were there to witness the proceedings of adrogatio, with their prayers, chants, sacrifices and archaic rituals.