Enlightened leadership provides suggestions and solutions for economies that insist such archaic practices are a necessary evil.
Behind the headlines, however, all the effort was making obvious the archaic and corrupt practices that characterized elections and the resultant state government.
Disenfranchising felons is an archaic practice, at odds with basic American values about both punishment and democracy.
However, in other areas there is good evidence that archaic and illogical ageist practices survive.
But to attract a new kind of public employee, the government has to change outdated seniority rules, narrow job classifications and archaic hiring practices.
Adding to the catastrophe, thousands of the babies were given blood transfusions in an archaic medical practice devised to provide nourishment to them.
By separating themselves from the archaic practices that were condemned by their powerful allies they opened themselves up to more political opportunity.
A new plan, devised by 22 nations including the U.S., would end these archaic practices.
The archaic practice of human sacrifice should first of all be viewed within this framework.
Many companies moved away from these archaic practices years ago and the overwhelming majority of consumers want an immediate ban.