One archaic phrase had struck him and rolled around in his head.
Casin" the joint," Patsy said for she had a store of such archaic phrases.
The title is a version of the archaic American idiomatic phrase "free, white, and twenty-one" which means "beholden to no one".
He put his fingers to it and the strange archaic phrases rose to his mind.
'For the greater glory of the Zentraedi' had already become an archaic phrase.
By 1964, it had become an archaic phrase to cover the commission granted to circuit judges, giving them authority to hold courts for trial.
To use one of the archaic phrases you seem to like!
He was also, I reali2ed, talking naturally and sensibly, with none of the strange words and archaic phrases he had used previously.
Take note that "En denantes" is an archaic Spanish phrase.
It is usually reserved for literature, archaic phrases and expressions, and legal documents.