Alurin offered a hand to Seldon in the archaic and, hence, most formal mode of greeting.
"A most . . . archaic mode of transportation."
A return to the archaic mode, a rediscovery of the orgiastic freedom of the African grasslands of 20,000 years ago.
The formal lecture, that archaic but strangely persistent mode, makes this apparent.
The whole-tone system can combine well with the archaic modes, giving a gentle harmonic stress which turns the atmosphere more towards the 20th century.
Note that "yay" and "nay" are archaic modes of voting expression that are no longer used in parliamentary parlance.
Their vessel, now hanging in orbit, was a conventional if archaic mode of transportation, at least according to the Wanderer's scans.
As if to emphasize how different he and his Seleighe rival Keighvin Silverhair were, everything in Madoc's domain was of the most archaic mode.
He had a vaguely archaic mode of speaking that made him sound much older than he was.
The building suggests an archaic mode of inhabitation, based around a hearth or temple.