If it smouldered quickly but did not burst into flame, the temperature was judged to be right - an archaic method that worked.
It replaces archaic methods of referral which can take a considerable length of time, and offer limited choice to patients.
This is just far too clumsy and archaic a method for anyone to do anything resembling proper research.
Nevertheless, this archaic method is not considered to be the strongest component in his images.
But I'm getting my message to you by a rather archaic method.
Filled with pages of heavy, cream-colored paper, it was an absurdly archaic and inefficient method for storing information, even for 1971 Earth.
Bat-fowling is an archaic method of catching birds at night, while they are at roost.
Prisons are run on archaic methods of management..
It is widely seen, both internationally and within the countries concerned, as a human rights abuse and an archaic method of containment and restraint.
Pauling, however, wasn't satisfied with this archaic method and looked to the newly-emerging field of quantum physics for a new method.