So they were forced to follow archaic laws whose reasoning was laid down thousands of years ago and might never be changed.
It is time to consider updating this archaic law so that other criminals can be brought before the criminal justice system.
The media still has to face obstacles, archaic laws and arbitrary reactions.
The lawmakers in Paramus are holding the rest of us hostage to their archaic and self-serving laws.
There are, in my view, some archaic laws that are deterrents.
"Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's?"
These archaic laws don't augur well for business development.
Because these classifications have developed under the ancient and often archaic common law of England, they turn on nuanced distinctions.
"In independent India, as earlier, this archaic and brutal law has served no good purpose," the letter argues.
Administration officials say their hands are tied by archaic laws and that there is nothing they can do.