The lake is also an archaeologically important area.
Archaeologically important Wari-Bateshwar ruins was established around 2500 years ago.
The town site is an archaeologically important site that surveys have shown to be in good condition.
Because the area around the building is archaeologically important excavation would be expensive and time-consuming.
There are two archaeologically important places in the vicinity of the village.
Later amphorae also had that year's archon's name written on it making finds of the vases archaeologically important.
In addition, several Guanche mummies have been found here, so the place is important archaeologically.
Like many archaeologically important monuments, Borobudur has gone through difficult phases.
This second kind of perched coastline is important archaeologically as it can expose human remains that would otherwise be below sea level.
The catacombs open on to a low ridge facing a now lost Roman harbour, making the small site archaeologically important.