Lauren's artificial, anxious and arch style have similarly suited her to the role of a latter-day Sister Carrie on "The Hills."
"Mooney is an amazingly fluid writer, in total command of his witty if somewhat arch style," Sarah Kerr wrote in these pages last year.
A lot of this is arch and arbitrary, rock-video style.
Susan Trott, the author of five previous novels, has an arch style that is very appealing and is a good match for this Mack Sennett-like story.
All of the church windows are Gothic arch style.
Werner Klemperer, as the impresario, handled the narration in an aptly arch and imperious style, holding the tenuous production together by sheer professionalism.
Mooney is an amazingly fluid writer, in total command of his witty if somewhat arch style.
Although in latter days the two dames developed an excessively arch performing style, flouncing about in faked pussycat rivalry, they certainly sang beautifully and brought much neglected repertory to light.
In any event, it is hard to discern, from the arch style affected in an attempt to make dull facts interesting, just what is the origin of sow one's wild oats .
Called "Acidmouth" by his publishers at Down Beat, he was legendary for his arch style, acerbic wit, erudite Olympian pronouncements on men's fashion, and general je ne sais quoi.