The theatre's facade is articulated by classic arches made of travertine marble.
He turned away then and stood in the low arch made by the limb with his back to me, waiting for me to be gone.
Silver lace vine tumbles over a rustic arch made of old wooden columns.
The design is the shallow arch made by a shade when it's shown flat, and stylized waves roll easily across it.
And what is the arch made of?
Low down in the east wall is a blocked arch very roughly made of uneven stones.
Because of this, it was found necessary to line the entire length of the tunnel with a strong arch made of bricks.
Move various parts of you - legs up and down, arms forwards, backwards; look through the arch made by your legs.
So are the synagogue's wood arches made of cedars of Lebanon?
The newlyweds walked under an arch made of flowers to where their families and friends stood waiting.