Still, many readers will thrill to the arcane vocabulary King has rescued from the library stacks.
The contemporary obsession with obscure California cabernets, arcane vocabulary and suspiciously precise numerical scales is merely the latest incarnation of a tradition with deep historical roots.
Apart from beginning to learn the trade, Erica learns a whole new arcane vocabulary and meets an array of curious characters including Bunny and Bill Birdcycle.
Homeowners talk incessently of retrofitting and liquification, arcane vocabulary that has become commonplace since the quake.
In her last and best-known novel, "John Dollar," Ms. Wiggins demonstrated a fondness for slightly quirky syntax and arcane vocabulary.
He read voraciously and developed an amazingly large and arcane vocabulary, sprinkled with military images.
His work is characterized by psychological complexity, conceptual abstractness, moral bleakness, and the use of an arcane vocabulary, and has attracted critical praise for its "imagination, vivid characterizations, and fast pace."
In addition to the physical work, crew members must master the hundred and one routines required to operate and maintain the ship, as well as a substantial, arcane vocabulary.
He revels in his intelligence, his bugs, his cheese, his lab coat, his pocket protector, his arcane vocabulary and his inventive gadgetry.
Why is it that the more we learn, the more difficult it is to share it without retreating to arcane, specialist vocabularies?