In those days, sound amplification was still an arcane science.
Whatever arcane science the accountants use to determine alignment is probably best left to accountants.
His grasp of the whole arcane science of economics was weak.
He may even be privy to some arcane science, or simply favored by the gods.
They understood that arcane biological science had kept Sparky preadolescent for twenty years.
Translating the details of a lofargram was an arcane science that my enlisted technicians spent years learning to do.
These are the psychics, hypnotists and astrologers who bring an extra dimension to the already arcane science of investing money.
Murphy and company began to see that picking programs and deciding on a prime-time schedule was not the arcane science they had thought.
Academic theories, investor psychology, tax rates and the often arcane science of interpreting what goes on at the Federal Reserve also are in play.
Through arcane science, Ben is imprinted with Peter's memories and in their first encounter believed himself to be the original.