The audience of specialists in these arcane fields swelled from about 40 on the first day to 60 yesterday.
Vladimir Morosan, a top American expert in this arcane field, served as a coach.
Whatever the procedural roadblocks in Congress, the proposals have the heart-felt support of most professional money-managers in this arcane but increasingly important field.
Because of the spread of personal computers and laser printers, hundreds of new designers have entered this arcane field during the last decade.
The arcane field of economics known as "search theory" is well suited for considering the economic impact of e-cruiting.
But that's an arcane field -high-level infra-red reconnaissance, I mean.
Experts in the arcane field of data recovery say that even computers that appear to be heavily damaged might have valuable data to mine.
Fluent in over a dozen languages, he was also an expert in the arcane field of cognitive anthropology.
His specialty was the arcane field of damage tolerance, or fatigue testing.
Russian Orthodox music is an arcane field, to be sure, and reliable information in English was virtually unattainable that long decade ago.