His confidence and seeming mastery of the most arcane details of tax law make him a hit with some people.
The modern authors say the program is simple enough for high school students and can offer the arcane details that only a scholar could love.
But how many tea drinkers pay attention to those arcane details anyway?
Immersed in the arcane details of serious illness, they seldom hear much about health.
Intimate details more arcane than risque were inscribed on many of the pieces.
They gradually came to realize that seemingly arcane details of software really do matter.
There was just one arcane detail left: where to put this "tolerance language"?
The man bragged that he knew the arcane details of the admission process, had contacts with the appropriate officials and so on.
Dealing with the budget, for instance, he was eager to learn even the most arcane details of state spending, she said.
It's just very difficult for the human mind that's not fascinated by arcane details on trade to get enthusiastic about that.