Now users must control Linux with a complicated syntax of arcane commands.
The ER was swamped, nurses and doctors and techni- cians thundered past at high speed, shouting arcane commands, terrible things were happening.
Doctors will no longer have to search multiple computer systems, each with its own terminals and set of arcane commands.
Throughout the 1970's and 80's, the Internet was navigable only through arcane commands, all text, filled with exclamation marks and abbreviations.
Even in today's structured data bases, like Mead Data Central's Nexis service, finding a file requires a string of arcane commands.
Early Bloomberg users needed to pick their way around the terminals using arcane commands and interfaces, many of which persist today.
In the past, arcane text-based commands were needed to run the operating system, and those kinds of commands are still necessary for some things.
Without learning arcane commands or knowing how a modem works, subscribers with a personal computer can tap into an electronic network for $9.95 a month.
Unix, which employs arcane written commands, has mainly been used in the scientific community and in the Federal Government.
Again, she called upon the knowledge gained from her mother's book, chanting an arcane command and drawing the power of the goddess from the earth.