However, many people, including scientific researchers, wrongly state the results from absorbance measurement experiments in terms of arbitrary units.
Let us take a forceful manic who is displaying and functioning on 500 arbitrary units of life force.
Doubts have been expressed about both the arbitrary units involved in the study, and the qualitative standard of the studies taken as a whole.
The commentary is based on totally arbitrary 'units of reading' which Barthes calls 'lexies'.
Therefore it is common to label the y-axis with "arbitrary units".
This could occur, for instance, if the peak to trough variation were 30 arbitrary units, with the mean levels being in the thousands.
Suppose that, for some block, we observe (in arbitrary units):
The hide was an arbitrary unit of land which was deemed able to support one household, and thus could vary in size.
First, the integrated response during stimulation calculated as the surface area under the trace and expressed in arbitrary units.
In science and technology, an arbitrary unit (abbreviated arb.