The tape is allowed to grow to arbitrary size.
Similar to the finite state machine, except that it has available an execution stack, which is allowed to grow to arbitrary size.
Icons can be of arbitrary size and design and can have two image states to produce a pseudo-animated effect when selected.
Electric motors can also be built powerful, reliable, low-maintenance and of arbitrary size.
Common Lisp uses bignums to represent numerical values of arbitrary size and precision.
That the MPI programming model will scale to arbitrary size.
The need to consider empty sums arises with summation: the process of "adding together" a collection of values that can have an arbitrary size.
The discussion above is limited to the case of two conducting plates, although of arbitrary size and shape.
"Ten thousand square feet is an arbitrary number, vis-à-vis lot size," he said.
It is with blocks of just such arbitrary size and figure that the literary architect is condemned to design the palace of his art.