So the list that follows is a necessarily brief and arbitrary selection.
"Down the west," he said, shrugging to convey that it was a purely arbitrary selection.
A short version - two, four or even eight teams - would require an arbitrary selection of entries no better than the polls themselves.
Ms. Smith, the plaintiffs' lawyer, said today that the criteria used to select the women reflected poverty, not drug use, and led to arbitrary selections.
Mr, do you want to come back on the point made on the other side of the room about your arbitrary selection of building rates?
Although empirically supported, an of 20 is essentially an arbitrary selection and not all groups select the same threshold value.
While enthusiastic, the volunteers were not well trained and often made inconsistent and arbitrary selections.
The seemingly arbitrary selections of cities and subjects for each country might make you wonder about what was left out.
Choosing 911 as the universal emergency number was not an arbitrary selection, but it wasn't a difficult one either.
The individuals profiled below represent an arbitrary selection, in Beijing, from the multitudes of rising young stars.