The uniform distribution is useful for sampling from arbitrary distributions.
The generalization to an arbitrary distribution of line charges is straightforward.
However, the bounds provided by Chebyshev's inequality cannot, in general (remaining sound for variables of arbitrary distribution), be improved upon.
These characterizations use and to describe arbitrary distributions over observations and parameters, respectively.
For an arbitrary distribution the mode, median and mean may appear in any order.
Here, the goal, the 50 percent cut, was clearly more important to Charles Wurster than an arbitrary and even distribution.
Church is free software for performing Gibbs inference over arbitrary distributions that are specified as probabilistic programs.
Between every pair of arbitrary distributions of disks there are one or two different shortest paths.
Intuitively, an arbitrary distribution can be simulated from a simulation of the standard uniform distribution.
For an arbitrary prior distribution, there may be no analytical solution for the posterior distribution.