Mr. Weinstein defended the letters to beneficiaries in which Highmark accused the Clinton administration of making "arbitrary cuts" in Medicare.
The situation was triggered by an arbitrary cut in the pay of sailors hired to rig the Guineaman Derby who, in protest, cut down all the rigging.
Dr. Shansky said the prison health system has been nelgected by prior commissioners and has suffered "arbitrary" cuts by budget officials.
Reducing costs across the entire federal government is necessary, but, pertaining to the defense budget, this is another example of arbitrary and disproportionate cuts interfering with our national interests.
He said that he was not interested in "arbitrary cuts" in Medicare but maintained that the program needed to be moved into the 21st century.
A year zero fallacy that ignores centuries of white influence on black music and vice versa, using an arbitrary cut off date to make a point.
It would compel essentially arbitrary cuts without regard to the resulting damage.
Malcolm Harris had been furious with Michael Banks for, as he mistakenly thought, making arbitrary cuts in the author's precious speeches.
For example, the Commission recently announced an arbitrary cut in export refunds which will cost the Scotch whisky industry around EUR 32 million a year.
Fourth, arbitrary cuts in expenditure cannot be tolerated.