The businessman said corruption, abuse of office and the seemingly arbitrary application of rules were the biggest weaknesses in the country's new policy drive.
Even more troubling, according to the authors, is the country's financial limitations, the capriciousness of officials and the arbitrary application of regulations.
Such a measurement should not be application dependent or arbitrary.
The agreement would oblige Vietnam to end the arbitrary application of rules to foreign companies and to set forth rules well in advance.
For example, can you use it in arbitrary applications or only in some special Lenovo apps?
Broadcast television executives have complained about what they say has been the arbitrary application of the rules.
They point to the potentially arbitrary application of the death penalty, adding that the race of the victim and socioeconomic factors seem to matter.
That international pact forbids the arbitrary application of the death penalty.
The key aim is to ensure that crimes do not go unpunished while at the same time protecting citizens from arbitrary application of the law.
The Unity environment doesn't make it easy to launch additional arbitrary applications.