Many computer programs must process or generate an arbitrarily large quantity of data.
However, some language constructs require an arbitrarily large number of children, such as argument lists passed to programs.
But 1,000,000 is just an arbitrarily large number, and the argument will go through with any such number.
However, wafers have a very specific property that keeps manufacturers from making them arbitrarily large.
Instead of , can be written, where M is an arbitrarily large positive number.
The assumption that objects can be arbitrarily large with no special considerations.
Note that the eye can be arbitrarily large or small and the magnitude of the wind surrounding it is irrelevant.
An arbitrarily large number of applications may never lead to an answer even without repeating:
This allows the algorithm to run on an arbitrarily large number of input images.
Theoretically, it would be possible to remove an arbitrarily large portion of a star's total mass given sufficient time.