However, it is only recently that arable farmers have begun to consider these beetles in their crop rotations.
Just think who wants us to eat lots of "health" wheat products... our happy, subsidized arable farmers and the food industry.
And even arable farmers have their worries.
Oliver Walston, arable farmer and agricultural writer, is their second son.
That might not be a problem to arable farmers or larger livestock men, but it will rule out the small livestock farm.
However arable farmers have fewer restraints on when they can inject.
Over-production led to the infamous butter mountains and ultimately set aside, which means that arable farmers here can only work 85% of their land.
The support policy favours big arable farmers.
Last year, one of the main political questions was whether anything should be done about the supposedly excessive compensation paid to British arable farmers, for example.
Fields were organised for the convenience of the farmer - both arable and pastoral.