But the marathon aptly illustrated the diversity of a pop world that may actually benefit from a fallow period.
Yet Miss Rico's intervention on behalf of one of the world's most wanted cocaine traffickers aptly illustrates the extent to which Colombia has been infiltrated by the wealth and power of its drug barons.
Mr. Taylor aptly illustrates the psychic distance that Americans traveled from the 60's to the 80's by comparing the movie "The Graduate" to "Risky Business" and "American Gigolo."
Both accord and discord aptly illustrated how, at the same moment, nationalistic political impulses and pressures for economic integration are increasing dramatically.
Bostan (The Rose Garden) consists of stories aptly illustrating the standard virtues recommended to Muslims, as well as reflections on the behaviour of dervishes and their ecstatic practices.
(Check out this photo of Stahl, which aptly illustrates the trouble she details in finding the right hairstyle.)
The renowned Stedelijk Museum aptly illustrates the challenges.
The latter' s statement here aptly illustrates why this Parliament is in no position to be more effective in cleaning up the administration.
The proposal aptly illustrates the multi-faceted nature of tourism and the need to coordinate it at European level.
Still, if the narrative of "Making Modernism" fails to hang together coherently, its parts often enough aptly illustrate the point of the book's subtitle.