As the state's most corporate city, I cannot think of a more apt setting.
The gallery provides an unusually apt setting for Mr. Poncelet's oeuvre.
The synagogue was an apt setting, for it faces the former Soviet Mission - now the Russian Mission - to the United Nations.
The mall becomes an apt setting for Mr. Mazursky's well-honed sense of the absurd, and so there is a Renoir mural in the yogurt parlor.
The Guggenheim should make a particularly apt visual setting for early 20th-century Brazilian work.
They were very well received and remembered even to this day due to his voice's apt setting with Salman Khan.
It reopened briefly at the end of last year with a production of "The Waste Land" - in an apt setting.
The American desert provided Wright with almost too poetically apt a setting for the hardships of his middle years.
By and large, however, Mr. Lumet chose an apt setting for a dramatic series where anything can happen.
The party was held at the Central Park Zoo, an apt setting in which to celebrate a brand whose logo is a crocodile.