Therefore, a great number of approximate methods strive to achieve the best trade-off between accuracy and computational cost.
Large molecules can be studied by semi-empirical approximate methods.
As follows is an approximate method in which Squier dates the serial numbers of manufactured instruments.
However, at some point the quadratic formula begins to lose accuracy because of round off error, while the approximate method continues to improve.
A discussion of the semi-classical approximate method, as found in physics textbooks, is given in the next section.
For larger tables - up to about 1000 keys - a more approximate but less time-consuming method due to Sprugnoli can be used.
Stemming is used as an approximate method for grouping words with a similar basic meaning together.
I gave you the rigorously correct way to do things; in this question you are referring to an approximate method.
A faster but more approximate method is a band transmission.
ET is an approximate method for predicting the structural response.