In the end, on July 27, 29 and 30, 1974, the committee approved three articles of impeachment.
Now that the House has approved two articles of impeachment, it is the Senate's turn to respond.
But the House voted 413 to 3 to impeach him in 1988, approving 17 articles of impeachment.
A moderated newsgroup has one or more individuals who must approve articles before they are posted at large.
People must use their given names on Citizendium and experts are given special status in approving articles.
Mr. Gibney has the ultimate authority to approve articles for publication.
Newspapers are replete these days with generally approving articles about George Bush's "decisiveness."
The Republican-controlled committee approved three articles of impeachment after more than 12 hours of rancorous deliberations.
Experts in their field of expertise have a role in the Citizendium community to approve articles on the basis of accuracy.
On Dec. 11 and 12, the Judiciary Committee voted essentially along party lines to approve four articles of impeachment.