Of 13 appropriations measures, only the defense spending bill is likely to be approved before Congress goes home.
The House approved the appropriation measure for military construction programs by a vote of 382 to 26.
And only about 50 of the members' requested changes were included in the two houses' appropriation measure.
These are bills, such as appropriations measures, that the Government needs to continue functioning.
"The correspondence and the actual appropriation measure are in another file if you want them."
The House has passed five appropriations measures, the Senate three.
The amendment was watered down and then dropped in later appropriations measures.
The House is scheduled to begin consideration of appropriation measures under an "open" amendment process.
"If Congress is going to pass porked-up appropriations measures, they will run into a veto."
The two appropriation measures approved today continued the current law, which permits Federal money for abortions only to save the life of the pregnant woman.