The gap resulted from interim appropriations legislation approved by Congress a few weeks ago.
Provides for the expedited consideration by Congress of specific requests by the President to reduce discretionary spending in appropriations legislation.
How do I find the status of appropriations legislation?
After the September 11 attacks in 2001, Congress passed the foreign appropriations legislation of 2002, granting President the right to waive Section 907.
December 22, 2011 The House of Representatives passed the final appropriations legislation for fiscal year 2012.
"Discretionary" programs typically require annual appropriations legislation.
Congress passes appropriations legislation to fund the government for every fiscal year.
The authority was derived from Congressional appropriations legislation.
It is important to note that these are requests and they may or may not be included in the final appropriations legislation.
It is different from appropriations legislation in that it authorizes the agency to spend but does not provide the funds which must be appropriated.