Like the church president and President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, counselors in the First Presidency are appropriately referred to by the title "President".
This tradition is still continued today, as the Syracuse University Marching Band always performs with one featured twirler, appropriately referred to as the "Orange Girl".
The 1995 recipient was female, so honoree Shirley DeLibero was appropriately referred to as TNERJ's "Woman of the Year".
The profile of liver disease admissions and associated deaths in a district general hospital was studied to determine whether patients with end stage liver disease are appropriately referred for consideration of liver transplantation.
First Year - Fellows from all disciplines work on at least three digital video or high definition short films (up to 20 minutes), appropriately referred to as 'cycle projects'.
Appropriately referred to by its first discoverers as "ceramic steel", the stress intensity factor values for window glass (silica), transformation toughened alumina, and a typical iron/carbon steel range from 1 to 20 to 50 respectively.
It therefore reproduces the linear small-signal response of any four-terminal network and is appropriately referred to as the Z-parameter equivalent circuit.
It's our responsibility to make sure that there's adequate training, including any refresher training that might be necessary, so that persons that do potentially have asylum claims are appropriately referred.
As it aims to monitor the majority of web traffic, it is appropriately referred to as a web filter.
Once identified, these individuals can then be appropriately referred for genetic counseling, risk assessment, consideration of genetic testing, and development of a management plan.