Skiba said, 'We think that you might come from the appropriate organ anyway, the way you act lately.'
The increasing demand for organ transplantation is not matched by supply of appropriate human organs.
There is, further, the absurdity that nature has bestowed upon them no organ appropriate to such movement.
They discovered the suites of genes that direct the embryo to form segments, and the segments to form appropriate organs.
At rest," Soleta stepped in, pointing to the appropriate organ on the screen, "the creature's stomach is rather small.
Across Europe he sought to record on historically appropriate organs, applying his impeccable attention to stylistic detail.
The messages were coming through, old old learning sorting out speech, hearing, vision, tactile sensations, and shunting them through the appropriate organs.
Axenic seedlings, and soil grown plants were maintained in a growth chamber at 23 C under a 16-hour photoperiod until appropriate organs were mature.
I think that we can rely on appropriate organs of this government to take such a thing into consideration.
Precisely what these cases are cannot be defined in advance but must await the decision of the appropriate organ.