While every student might not be at this level, it clearly is an appropriate goal.
Comprehensive reform is still an appropriate goal, but incremental steps may be more doable.
The president set two very appropriate goals for the necessarily brief lame-duck session that begins next week.
"The stringing is a symbol of enlightenment," she explained - an appropriate goal for a visit to another culture.
"Such would appear to be appropriate goals in the present case."
At the same time, he must evaluate research projects and direct the group toward appropriate goals.
But the total collapse or disappearance of one was never seen as an appropriate goal of foreign policy.
Work with your doctor to determine an appropriate goal before you change your eating habits.
The appropriate goal is to provide a nice social experience for parent and child, not to make a child water safe.
One Brazilian official here said a 50 percent reduction over five years was a more appropriate goal.