The therapist helps the patient learn to express appropriate emotions in a healthy way.
Love is a more appropriate emotion to evoke here than sadness.
The words alone, without the use of images, may cause appropriate emotions and appropriate behaviour.
The film's booming soundtrack score describes every image and the appropriate emotion to attach to it.
She had suffered the loss of her love in the worst possible way, by being completely duped, and grief was not the appropriate emotion.
Any appropriate emotion would do: anticipation, alarm, eagerness, anything at all, even fear.
Emotional regulation focuses on providing the appropriate emotion in the appropriate circumstances.
He tried to find surprise, indignation, any emotion more appropriate than the one that was starting to stir.
It is finally by using these techniques that the actor can express the appropriate emotions demanded of the character".
Affective empathy, in contrast, is the drive to respond to someone else's thoughts and feelings with an appropriate emotion.