Some plants contain substances which are toxic in large doses, but have therapeutic properties in appropriate dosages.
The scientists hoped to determine the appropriate dosage to use on battlefields.
There is scant information about the appropriate dosage, effectiveness and long-term effects of psychiatric drugs on the physical and brain development of preschoolers.
I found a useful tool at to narrow down my search for the appropriate dosage and formulation.
Your healthcare provider can tell you the appropriate dosages of these medications.
However, data on appropriate dosage of this drug for children are limited (610).
However, well-designed clinical trials are needed to substantiate echinacea's efficacy, clarify appropriate dosages and confirm safety.
To help us decide how much liquid to make up let us look at the appropriate dosages for each of Hahnemann's suggestions.
Talk to your doctor about appropriate dosages.
In appropriate dosage, lead takes back the catabolic process into the ego-organization.