If you exceed the allowances and/or don't meet the additional conditions set out above you will have to pay the appropriate charges which may include:
Guidelines for appropriate charges, which will be negotiated and agreed in writing prior to the event, are given in Schedule 6.
Although the baby's death had been ruled a homicide several weeks ago, officials said it had taken time to fully investigate the case and determine the appropriate charge.
"If this was anything more than a minor assault, the U.S. attorney would have brought appropriate charges."
If you fail to do this, we may accept a belated claim and repay the appropriate charges subject to certain conditions.
No Cuban detainee will be held by I.N.S. without an appropriate charge.
The appropriate charges will be added to your Final Invoice.
Some of these leaflets will have saleable potential, and the Business Development Director should advise on appropriate charges.
"Like every other case, the appropriate charges were based solely on the facts and the law," said Myron Marlin, the department's chief spokesman.
The purpose of the Directive is also to contribute to the control and management of transport, above all through levying appropriate charges.