Treatment with appropriate antibiotics kills bacteria and allows healing to take place.
If your bursitis is caused by an infection, treatment will include the appropriate antibiotics.
Once the diagnosis was made, the appropriate antibiotics were given, and his clinical course dramatically improved.
Third, under emergency plans, the federal government can ship appropriate antibiotics from its stockpile to wherever they are needed.
The mainstay of therapy remains treatment with appropriate antibiotics, and recovery periods last from 48 hours to six months.
However, case-fatality is extremely high, even with all possible supportive care including appropriate antibiotics.
If there is evidence of respiratory infection, it should be treated with appropriate antibiotics after culture and sensitivity.
Bacterial infections of the chest are common and should be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
The flight surgeon will be at the briefing with appropriate antibiotics.
This information can be used to choose appropriate antibiotics to combat a particular infection.