Photographers snapped pictures throughout the day, and Israeli soldiers warned approaching reporters to stay clear.
South Korean citizens have approached foreign reporters countless times and urged them with great emotion to report only the truth.
Looking up to find approaching reporters, Starks waved them away, as did Anthony, who wouldn't even discuss his exemplary 16 minutes of retribution.
One after another, scores of the workers approached reporters yesterday asking if they knew what was to happen to them.
Recent Censorship by Iraq Several of them approached reporters while munching on grapes.
But at night, young Taliban soldiers discreetly approached reporters.
On Friday, after approaching reporters tentatively for idle chatter, he made what seemed to be his first effort at spinning.
Other jurors would not comment; some even ran away from approaching reporters.
Cashman remarked, as he approached reporters after Neagle finished answering questions.
Players approach reporters with questions like these: "Have you heard anything?"