She is convinced that her meticulous approach can overcome might.
If successful, this approach may overcome most of the obstacles presented by gene therapy.
Issues that an architect-led approach to design-build still does not overcome:
This approach overcomes tissue response by encouraging neurons to grow closer to recording surface.
This approach overcomes the division's most serious problem - finding the enemy in the first place.
Such an approach could overcome political resistance on economic grounds to measures that would address America's vulnerability because of its dependency on imported oil.
The approach overcomes what had been formidable obstacles to helping hypochondriacs, who as a group are notoriously difficult patients.
This approach can overcome some limitations of router-based NetFlow monitoring.
"And a different approach to the marketing should overcome the imagery resistance."
It is hard to see how any entirely voluntary, market-driven approach to environmental economics could ever overcome, even in theory, the problem of free-riders.