The liberal approach to tax distinguishes between earned income, and unearned wealth.
The approach to meaning taken in this study, as mentioned in the Introduction, distinguishes between two states in which meaning exists in the human mind.
This approach distinguishes Kalaizis fundamentally from the photorealists, as they do not challenge the fringes of reality, where something new may happen.
This approach distinguishes our work and ensures that we create value through transparent, results-oriented initiatives.
Although various approaches to policy analysis exist, three general approaches can be distinguished: the analycentric, the policy process, and the meta-policy approach.
Kant applies the approach of four temperaments to distinguish truly virtuous people.
The simplest approach distinguishes between regimes of small and large scattering angles:
His hybrid approach to meta-ethics distinguishes him from classical utilitarians like Jeremy Bentham.
This approach distinguishes it from mind-body therapy as well as from somatic therapy.
This collaged approach, and the use of different, alien components to deal with "heroic" subjects distinguishes her art.