But it is far more disheartening to see this approach described uncritically as "successful" solely on the basis of standardized test scores.
Dimensional approaches such as the Big 5 describe personality as a set of continuous dimensions on which individuals differ.
This approach describes the empirical data by use of the two production factors and some empirical quantity called total factor productivity.
The other approach describes death as a relief from this life.
The distinct-element approach describes mechanical behaviour of both, the discontinuities and the solid material.
Under each heading briefly describe your approach to tackling that issue and then indicate the location of supporting documents like:
Christian Reus-Smit argues that these approaches did not describe what a feminist perspective on world politics would look like.
Nevertheless, the approach described does indicate an area in which there might be considerable expansion of the accounting function.
The Push approach (sometimes called the 'cold') describes you moving towards the people you want to influence.
They had an idea"), an approach the magazine described as "convoluted".