But this approach amounts to a tax on employment, raising the minimum cost of labor by almost a dollar an hour.
That approach amounts to poverty plus a pound.
To the company's critics, though, the approach amounts to a technological "lock-in" that mainly benefits Microsoft and hobbles competition.
In sum his approach amounted to a repeated invitation to "prove that I'm wrong."
Japan has resisted such requests for quantifiable targets, saying that such an approach amounts to "managed trade."
The administration's approach amounts to a wholesale undermining of the most successful programs.
This approach amounts to just the opposite of that pursued by most major publishers, who concede that they publish far too many books.
"I have waited 25 years now," said Mr. Stevens, 82, who acknowledged that his approach amounted to a legislative end run.
Despite the merits of a defensive option strategy, some strategists say the approach amounts to a bet against yourself.
The criticism's focus is that the Foundation's approach amounts to reducing the religions to the same, predetermined common denominator.