His 1968 novel "Under the Boardwalk" was about a Coney Island boy approaching adolescence.
They and others have found that when girls approach adolescence, many lose faith in themselves.
But these high-functioning children face a host of new problems as they approach adolescence, when social interactions become more complicated.
Spectres cluster around children approaching adolescence and consume them the moment they come of age.
As Noel approached adolescence, his academics suffered and he was told he had a learning disability.
Usually, adults can be counted on to get it wrong when it comes to accounting for what makes a hit among teenagers and those approaching adolescence.
As they approach adolescence, the students act out their frustration, she said.
The older children, now approaching adolescence, attempt to emulate the behavior of the "first families" to which they belonged before the plague.
About the time Mr. Woodward was approaching adolescence, his parents' marriage broke up.
Sally is a minor character through the first two seasons, but assumes a larger role during the third season as she approaches adolescence.