An apprentice came from Taliesin to oversee construction of the houses in Canton.
By developing similar performance to other practitioners, an apprentice will come to understand the tacit (informally taught) duties of the position.
That meant that until another apprentice came along I had the privacy and the responsibility of the shop in evenings.
There was no formal ceremony, but a former apprentice of Guibord came forward and made the sign of the cross over the coffin.
Every other apprentice had come within seconds of that same fate.
The young apprentice came cautiously out of the alcove his axe in his hands.
When an apprentice finally did come to the site, the only change he made was to move the house 10 feet on the site plan.
As black was associated with the "black arts", the apprentice came to be called a devil.
The apprentice became a substitute source of blame and came to be called a printer's devil by association.
In very short time an apprentice came running with a thin scroll.