Because demand far outweighs the supply, it is not uncommon for these knives to appreciate substantially within seconds of buying them from the maker.
With warrants, a stock may need to appreciate substantially to make it profitable for investors.
One reason Corvette devotees are curious is that Corvettes can appreciate substantially in value.
The plan also includes an option allowing the government to purchase common stock according to a formula which could return substantial profit to the taxpayers should the stock price of the companies substantially appreciate.
The possible outflow of investment from foreign currency markets in Europe and the US will not cause the rouble to substantially appreciate.
Here's the rub: assets placed in a trust for grandchildren or left to them in a will may appreciate substantially, resulting in an unexpected tax burden.
Since the ECB holds currencies to offset liabilities in euros, it would also run a foreign exchange risk if the euro appreciated substantially against the reserve currencies it is holding.
After Nova made a bid to acquire Polysar last January, the prices of both securities appreciated substantially above his cost.