He said the appointment did not indicate any reduction in Mr. Akers's power.
Some officials said the appointment indicated that the separatists were short of leaders, or at least of leaders considered palatable enough to show in public.
Eastern, which has been in bankruptcy proceedings since last year, said the appointment indicated that the airline would be around for some time.
The appointment of the new Prime Minister and nine new Cabinet ministers indicates little substantive change in policy, either domestic or foreign.
(Recent episcopal appointments might indicate that, at last, Rome seems to be bucking the previous trend.)
Especially before 1940, appointments did not indicate the political attitude of the person receiving the title.
Brown said, "The appointment of Farred indicates that we don't have the support of the university in reversing sexism on campus."
Shareholders were not impressed, thinking that his appointment indicated that the company was "inbred".
But Mr. Gore's appointment of her indicates that he has little concern about this.
Some legislators said the appointment indicated a less conciliatory stance in dealing with Moscow.