Between 1996 and 2004 he had worked for Severstaltrans, and was appointed deputy director in 1998 before eventually becoming Russian Transport Minister in 2004.
He was quickly appointed manager of Gateshead for a while before becoming a publican on Tyneside, where he resided until his death in 1955.
In 1939, he was appointed a magistrate before becoming a junior high court judge in 1949.
Belcourt was appointed as an assistant at several parishes in the area, before becoming pastor of a parish at Sainte-Martine, Quebec in 1830.
In 1973, Taib was appointed deputy president of the newly formed PBB before subsequently becoming the president of the party.
In 1980, Donald was appointed to the board of directors at Aberdeen, before rising to the position of vice-chairman by 1986, and then becoming chairman in 1994.
In 1998, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Health before becoming Governor of the Bank of Canada.
In 1949 he was appointed a Home Service announcer before becoming a newsreader in both radio and television from November 1955.
David Lindsay was appointed master around 1594 before becoming master at Dundee Grammar School.
In 1995 he was appointed to a personal chair before becoming the head of department in 1996.