Fatah, he said, wanted a prime minister appointed alongside Mr. Arafat, the appointment of professionals and a further reduction in the number of jobs.
In return for his loyalty, Marcellinus was appointed consul alongside Aurelian in 275.
Goodfellow was appointed joint caretaker manager of the club, alongside senior player Jimmy Mullen.
He was appointed consul in AD 369, alongside Valentinianus Galates.
In the following year (244), he was appointed consul prior alongside Fulvius Aemilianus.
Since then the sheriffs of Durham have been appointed alongside the other English sheriffs.
After finishing third during the 1997-98 season, Gérard Houllier was appointed co-manager alongside Evans.
In 2010 she was appointed co-chair alongside Jakob von Uexküll.
He was appointed assistant manager alongside club and fan favourite Steve Clarke.
He was appointed consul in AD 372 alongside Domitius Modestus.