Lyall took holy orders in 1829, and was appointed curate in Findon.
He was appointed curate to the town of Cambo not far from Bayonne.
He was ordained in 1874, and was appointed curate at St Mark's Liverpool.
He entered holy orders in 1847, and was appointed curate of Ecclesfield, Yorkshire.
On 20 Sept. 1615 he was appointed perpetual curate of Teddington.
In 1842, he was appointed perpetual curate of Christ Church Cheltenham.
Later that year Goe was appointed curate at Kingston upon Hull.
He was appointed curate of Stockton-on-Tees in 1776, and lecturer there in 1777.
After two years, he returned to Kraków, where he was appointed curate of the cathedral, and performed in the cathedral orchestra.
In 1988 he was appointed curate at Ennis Cathedral and became administrator there in 1990.