He was appointed 4 September 2012 as part of David Cameron's cabinet re-shuffle .
The commission, with prominent officials, historians and Jewish survivors, was appointed as part of that effort.
Two years later he again took up the role, appointed as part of a reaction against Henry's dependence on Lancastrians.
It is common practice in Israel to appoint ministers without portfolio as part of the coalition negotiations.
It was alleged that the military appointed him as part of the team for PR work.
She was appointed on 4 January 2008 as part of a "profound restructuring" of the government.
He was appointed as part of the 2009 shake-up by Raúl Castro.
As the division head, having appointed a female coach, as part of a commitment to fairness and diversity, I am saddened by the results.
Mr. Mitchell was appointed presiding director in 2002 as part of the board's effort to make it more independent.
These magistrates were appointed as part of the judicial structure set up for the purposes of the Pitcairn sexual assault trials.