He was appointed again on 5 February 1986 after the resignation of Lloyd Lange, and served until 1988.
On 5 May 1917, he was appointed minister of foreign affairs after the resignation of Pavel Milyukov.
Patterson was appointed manager after the resignation of Scott Young.
Balls was appointed to the key economic portfolio yesterday after the resignation of Alan Johnson due to marriage difficulties.
MacPherson was then appointed as player/manager on 18 December 2003 after the resignation of John Coughlin.
In 1843, Spencer was appointed Secretary of the Treasury after the resignation of Walter Forward.
He was appointed after the resignation of Robert N. Shelton, who now heads the Fiesta Bowl.
Gonzalez was appointed to the position after the resignation of Leslie Kirwan in the fall of 2009.
Crisp was later appointed as interim athletic director at Alabama in March 1954 after the resignation of Pete Cawthon.
Hill was appointed head coach after the resignation of Rod MacQueen at the end of 2011.